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Online Quarterly Survey


Libraries will continue to face an evolving landscape over the next decade.


To facilitate regular engagement with library users, we have an exciting quarterly online survey available to libraries.


Best of all, the first  7 standard questions in the online survey are free for the first 200 responses received from your library users!

For decision-makers wanting more, there is a minor fee per additional question.

(To see the free version of the online survey click here)


(To see the free data portal click here)

Teenagers in Library

Here’s what is included:


Free Library Survey


Each quarter Milicante Consulting will provide you with your own exclusive survey link for you to distribute to your library members. 


We script and host the free online survey which contains 7 standard questions. Each participating library must register their interest by the dates specified below.


  • 1/9/20 (Registration due by 1/8/2020)

  • 1/12/20 (Registration due by 1/11/2020)

  • 1/3/21 (Registration due by 1/2/2020)

  • 1/6/21 (Registration due by 1/5/2020);


The results are then summarised on your own exclusive data portal, where you can access and share your results throughout your organisation. View basic charts, download a standard report, download the data file for your only personal analysis, access your own pivot table to generate custom tables. All for free.

Receive up to 200 responses per quarter from your member database for free (a fee of $0.12 per additional response applies for more than 200 responses if you require more than 200 responses);



Hot topic questions ($400+GST per question per quarter) – your own custom questions distributed exclusively to your member via the online survey;


Multi-lingual questions ($500+GST per question per quarter excluding the standard free demographic questions) – reach your non-English speaking library members;


Benchmark report ($500+GST per quarter)– compare your results against the other combined de-identified libraries.

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