Library Research
Milicante Consulting has conducted in-depth library community surveys for many multi-branch large libraries.
We combine face-to-face interviews with online surveys to maximise community reach of both library users and non-users.
Moreover, we also offer multi-lingual surveys to ensure that all members of the community have their voices heard.
With libraries facing an increasingly changing environment, it is critical that library decision makers strategically position themselves to continue to be relevant and to meet the needs of their communities.
This is where we step in.
Our strategic research has helped guide key decisions among some of Victoria's largest libraries.
We design our research to ensure that your library can strategically position itself to adapt to the dynamic landscape facing modern libraries, to ensure not only continuing relevance of libraries to local communities, but also to increased service and product demand.
To develop sustainable future business models, community libraries must not only have a thorough understanding of current user needs and satisfaction levels, but also ensure that future needs are well understood and planned for.
Our research is typically structured to:
profile library users;
determine their current needs and satisfaction levels with the libraries service provision;
identify satisfaction gaps to determine priorities for improvement;
assess library users’ perceptions of proposed future initiatives; &
track satisfaction with library services relative to the past survey findings (where applicable).
Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on Library Users
Covid-19 has had a profound impact on all aspects of our everyday lives. The same can be said of libraries with worldwide library closures. To meet library user needs in light of Government lockdown restrictions, physical library use has been largely substituted with e-resources and virtual library resources. The new 'Covid normal' will result in both short and long term behavioural changes and subsequent demand impacts. It is critical that library decision-makers keep a close 'finger-on-the-pulse' to understand behavioural changes and demand impacts.
To find out more, contact us at